design, manufacture, build:
the eloy mission
The eloy family business has grown continuously for over 50 years. 500 skilled employees now work with our customers on all of their construction and wastewater treatment projects. We work around the world with the same goal: to create, treat, demolish, rebuild and provide solutions.
The natural world has been in perfect harmony for millions of years. It has enabled life to grow and humanity to develop. If threatened, the balance will become fragile, with potentially catastrophic consequences for the Earth and everything living on it.
As a major player in construction and wastewater treatment, we have a role to play and responsibilities to assume. That’s why we’re committed to designing solutions, products and projects that preserve the balance of nature essential to ensuring the preservation of life on our planet.
Olivier Eloy
our commitments
safety and health
The safety and health of our employees and partners is our number one priority. It is an essential aspect of our professional approach to delivering quality service to all of our customers.
talent development
As an employer, we want to discover and develop the potential of our employees. It’s by helping them develop all aspects of their personality and by training them continuously that they will be able to reach their full potential.
the customer experience
Listening, exchanging and responding transparently and creatively to the needs of our customers are the keys to building long-term relationships of trust. They are at the heart of the design, manufacturing and execution of our products and services.
the environment and society
The preservation of the environment and of water resources is a priority. We commit all of our energy to developing solutions that provide our customers and partners with positive momentum to respond to future climate challenges.
sustainable performance
We reinvent ourselves every day to create value for our employees and our customers, while ensuring respect for our environment. Performance has to mean more than just profit. It has to be a state of mind on which we can rely for a sustainable future.
ensuring the sustainability of the company
The market and our customers change constantly. We’re always listening to them to provide new solutions that will meet the expectations and the challenges of coming decades. By managing trades and technology in-house, we produce global solutions that meet the strictest quality criteria.
our story
in the beginning
Robert Eloy founds the Eloy-Vincent construction company after purchasing his first hydraulic shovel.
A forerunner by nature, Robert Eloy specialises in the treatment of household wastewater and installs septic tanks for private customers.
a family history
The second generation of the family joins the company, which becomes Eloy & Fils in 1984.
our beginnings at Sprimont
The company moves to the Damré business park in Sprimont to accelerate its growth.
the company specializes
The company hires university students, construction engineers and chemists to complete its project expertise.
the first innovations
The water treatment unit makes a remarkable innovation with the development of oxybee, a bacterial medium for water treatment micro-stations.
already the 3rd generation
The company doubles in size and welcomes the third Eloy generation.
The construction of the manufacturing facilities for water treatment solutions continues with P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5.
Eloy products are sold in 25 countries around the world. eloy water France is created and immediately becomes a leading player in the field.
Inauguration of the new eloy beton concrete plant.
Expansion continues abroad and in Belgium with the creation of eloy projets and the extension of the water products facility.
a new compact filter
Development of a compact ecological filter and of a new plant extension for the water unit. Introduction, in Belgium, of a turnkey environmental upgrade concept for industrial sites.
50 years already
Fiftieth anniversary and nomination at the prestigious Company of the Year ceremony.
recycling as leitmotif
The Sprimont concrete plant is equipped with a recycling system unique in Belgium.
400 employees !
Inauguration of a new administrative building on the Sprimont site. The company employs over 400 people.