treat and reuse your campsites’ water

case study 11 March 2024

Outdoor hospitality is a unique sector. The solutions you need have to be unique too.
And, given that special needs require special answers, eloy teams are at your service.

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recovers, treats, purifies, reuses, services, …

with you since 1965
treat your wastewater, collect and use rainwater, manage your swimming pool water… there are many complex needs that have to be managed every day.

With water and water management as its creed for more than 50 years, eloy has worked with the outdoor hospitality industry to develop solutions that are specific to your needs. We’re always at the leading edge of technology, and strive to achieve excellence in our product designs to enable you to focus on what is most important to you: your customers. Since environmental challenges are the heart of our business, we provide you with all of our expertise and our innovations to make your water management greener. Let’s work together to preserve this precious resource thanks to our 360° solutions for outdoor hospitality.

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why you should treat and reuse your wastewater ?

  1. toilets : savings of  4000m3 on toilet flushes.
  2. green space watering : 8L savings per m2/day.
  3. firefighting water reserve : be ready for the unexpected. 
  4. car wash : savings of 50 to 300L per vehicle.
  5. fish pond : the pond will always be full.
  6. excess capacity sales : to an industry or farmer in your area.
  7. misting : keep your guests cool.
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our solutions

Our prefabricated solutions, are ready for use.
These solutions are customised based on your real needs and the location of the installation.
We offer solutions of up to 600 m3/day which meet the wastewater needs of most campsites.

  • submerged aerated fixed-film process (SAFF) : up to 105 m3/d
  • SBR : up to 600 m3/d
  • MBR : up to 200 m3/d
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our expertise, your peace of mind!

  • simplicity & savings: A simple solution to use. Operating, maintenance and servicing costs reduced to a minimum.
  • perfect integration with the landscape: Don’t worry! We guarantee very limited visual impact and zero sound or odour issues.
  • specifically designed for outdoor hospitality: Our team of experts will calculate the optimal customised installation size based on your location, your needs and the constraints of your property.
  • compliance with environmental and legal local standards: We guarantee optimal discharge quality which goes beyond current standards and local regulations.
Vue Lamy

to have more information get our brochure “take advantage of our experience in campsites water treatment and reuse“.

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our campsites’ brochure

contact one of our specialist

you would like to treat, reuse or collect your campsites’ water ? 

you just have to click here !
